The AZT Project: Seeing Arizona From Top to Bottom, One Section at a Time

At the beginning of 2020, as I was prepping for Oracle Rumble pretty much already knowing before the race that I wasn’t going to finish it, I came up with a sort of consolation project, but also a bigger one: I was going to cover the remaining miles I had left of the Arizona Trail… Continue reading The AZT Project: Seeing Arizona From Top to Bottom, One Section at a Time

2019 in Review – June

Prescott Circle Trail In June, I went back to the Prescott Circle Trail with the intent of doing a through hike of it over three days and two nights. I have fallen in love with both backpacking and the Arizona Trail, and one of my long term goals is to eventually hike the whole distance… Continue reading 2019 in Review – June

2019 in Review – April

Picketpost Mountain April was mostly coasting. Mostly.  With no big races coming up soon, a lot of the month was just taking it easy, but Kris and I went out one Saturday and did something at the other end of the spectrum from “easy,” and hiked/climbed Picketpost Mountain.  It’s one of those things that is… Continue reading 2019 in Review – April