Mt. Ord
We started off September with a Labor Day hike up Mount Ord. Kris had never seen this place I was going to run at all the time during the summer, and she wanted to get a look at it.

Mogollon Rim
The rest of September was all about long training runs.
One of those was an adventure run with some friends out on the Mogollon Rim, while the Mogollon Monster race was going on. It was super fun. I got to meet and run with some new people, and we had cooler weather than the summer heat we were suffering through back at home. The area was beautiful, and I’d like to go back sometime.

Prescott Circle Trail (again)
I did a couple more marathon training runs to finish off the month. One out at San Tan, one up in Prescott along a section of the Circle Trail. I didn’t plan that one out very well, as the route I chose ended up with a lot of climbing in the last couple of miles when I was really tired and wiped out.
I finished it, even if it wasn’t a very good plan.